Rick Figueroa 73, Randy Christensen 70, Paul Keswick 75, Terry Keswick 75, Brian
Stuckey 74, Sarah Whelan 73, Allen Frische 74, Greg Andrews 73 Diane Graham 69,
Sue Fitzpatrick 78, Linda Emanuel 71, Bob Mosley 79, Samson Wolfe 77, Dennis Erokan,
68 Steve Edmonds 78.
Welcome back Greg Andrews,
Brian Stuckey as well as newcomers Dennis and Lori Erokan, Bob and Ken Mosley,
Allen Frische, Linda Emanuel 71, Sampson Wolfe 77. We had a great turnout and
a lot of fun.
As you know we are just 7 months away from the big reunion. A lot has been accomplished.
The Santa Clara Cconvention Center contract has been signed, ticket sales are
going strong, and the Joe Sharino Band has been secured. Currently, hotel accommodations
are being negotiated. More details will be posted as they become available.
This is the main event that we are all looking forward to. This will be on Saturday
August 9th starting at 6:30PM. You will enjoy excellent food, buffet style. More
about the menu will be posted shortly. Entertainment will include live music by
the Joe Sharino Band. More activities are being planned which may include a Casino
and Karaoke. More precise details will be posted shortly.
Here is a chance to bring your family back to your high school. Meet with old
friends and their families. The Campus will be open for touring and an opportunity
to meet some of our old teachers that changed our lives. Other Family Day plans
are in progress which may include a Band Jam, sports, swimming, and other activities
which will be posted shortly. Remember, this activity is at no cost.
- This is an event that is highly anticipated. Details will be posted shortly.
If you wish to participate in this event, please email Samson Wolfe (Class of
1977) at or call
408-573-2135 for more information.
are back in progress and being handled by Scott Hathaway (class of 1979) who is
the General Manager at Los Lagos Golf Course, the location for this event. This
is a self funded activity with proceeds going to the LHS Athletic Boosters. More
details will be coming.
Our Next meeting will be held February 22nd 2003. Again, at Harry's Hofbrau All
are invited and encouraged to attend.
Well, fellow classmates,
don't forget to check back with us often for further updates and news. As we get
closer to that big weekend more and more exciting things are happening. I know
we are excited along with so many others. Get the word out! And let's make this
the best reunion in history.