LHS Vikings Reunion
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Page Contents
 •  Meeting Minutes
   • Attendees
   • Finance
   • Status
   • Gala Event
   • Family Day
   • Next Meeting
Reunion Planning
Minutes - October 26, 2002 Committee Meeting
The LHS Vikings Reunion Committee held a meeting Saturday, October 26th at 2:00PM at Harry's Hofbrau.

Rick Figueroa (73), Randy Christensen (70), Paul Keswick (74), Terry Tyson Keswick (75), Trish Kane (74), Steve Edmonds (78), Ted Gagne (74), Patricia Morrissey (78), Valerie Comachco (75), Tracy Jenkins Wood (73), Jodi Zingmond Knapp (75).

The meeting was positive and productive, even thou attendance was a little light. We hope to see more of you on January 11, 2003

We would like to thank Jodi Zingmond (75) who drove over 500 miles from Las Vegas Nevada to be with us. It was a real pleasure having you.

As we move within 10 months of the wonderful reunion, many accomplishments have been made.

The Committee has adopted and implemented a Finance Policy, which include the price of the Tickets, Collection of Funds (Credit Card, & Checks, etc.), Receipts Payment Notification, Refund policy, and Ticket Disbursement procedure. These procedures will be posted on the site within the next few days, so please check back often.

A bank account has been opened and linked with Pay Pal and will start accepting payments on November 8, 2002. Again, instructions will be posted within the next few days.

LHS Vikings Reunion Status
It is necessary for all LHS Alumni to understand that the LHS Vikings Reunion is NOT! A Non Profit Organization. We are a Not for Profit Social Event. Because we are not a Charitable Organization but one of Mutual Benefit, any funds contributed by any businesses or individuals, is not tax deductible. If any one has any questions on this issue, feel free to e-mail Rick Figueroa at rfigueroa@lhsvikingsreunion.com

Gala Event
The Gala Event is coming along as planned. As you know, this event will be held at the Santa Clara Convention Center on the evening of August 9, 2003. We are in the final stages of signing the contract and placing a deposit.

We can't thank Trish Kane enough for her tremendous effort and hard work in negotiating with SCCC. We know that her task has been difficult and time consuming. She has done a wonderful job. Her committee is planning a fantastic evening for us all. Let us know if you are interested in helping with the Gala Event.

Information regarding hotel rates will be posted on the website soon.

Family Day
There are a lot of great ideas that have been presented to the committee for Family Day.

Unfortunately, we have not received volunteers to assist in the coordination of these ideas. It is our goal to have a Family Day that is just as memorable as the Gala Event but, with out additional support, it will be difficult to do. Won't you join us in planning this historic event? Volunteers may e-mail any other Committee members or myself. Come on board, it's a lot of fun. Please click on the link AVAILABLE POSITIONS OF INTEREST.

Next Meeting
Harry's Hofbrau, January 11th, 2003 @ 2pm.

Well, fellow classmates, don't forget to check back with us often for further updates and news. As we get closer to that big weekend more and more exciting things are happening. I know we are excited along with so many others. Get the word out! And let's make this the best reunion in history.


Updated October 29, 2002, 3:40PM

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