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Reunion Planning

February 22, 2003 Committee Meeting
On February 11th, 2003, the LHS Vikings Reunion held its second meeting of the New Year.

Randy, Christensen 1970, Rick Figueroa 1973, Brian Stuckey 1974, Trish Kane 1974, Greg Andrews 1973, Scott Hathaway 1979, Rob Karr 1968, Jack Powers 1973, Tracy Jenkins 1973, Steve Edmonds 1978, Sue Fitzpatrick 1978, Paul Keswick 1975, Terry Keswick 1975, Susan Endelman 1972, Graig Cropper 1971, Doug Martin, 1977 Naoki Shimazaki 1976, Diane Graham 1968.

Rick Figueroa addresses the different media that has been approached which include radio stations and newspapers. 3 poster size signs have been printed of which one will be placed at Lynbrook along some of the 1000 flyers that have been printed. Other flyers will be placed at different locations such as libraries, colleges, record stores, etc. The flyer is also available on the home page of the web site.

The web Message Board was discussed giving advantages vs. disadvantages of the old one and the new one. It was unanimously voted to go with the new board which has better control of those who access it. Intentions are to eliminate extremely rude or disruptive behavior.

Paul Keswick ('75) gave a quick overview on ticket sales and amount of money within the reunion account.

Brian Stuckey ('74) presented a plan that will be used for selling advertising and messages within the Reunion Program. More information will be shortly coming once it is solidified.

Gala Event
Trish Kane ('74) explained that the fundamental elements of gala event are secured: room, band, catering, AV, etc. All activities will be tentative until attendee reservations are secured and a final attendee count is understood. Meetings with the sub-committee will continue throughout the month. Anyone interested in helping contact Trish.

Family Day
Debbie Burdman and Sheila Chestnutt have come on board with extreme excitement. More plans should be coming forward as the subcommittee continues to meet throughout the month. The Band-Jam will be happening throughout the day probably starting around noon. It currently looks like the stage will be between the Cove and the Rally Court steps with the audience in the Rally Court. Rob Karr ('68) has stepped up to provide the sound system along with his technical expertise. Rob and Dennis Erokin is continuing to gather musicians for this portion of Family Day.

Other Activities

Golf Tournament
Scott Hathaway ('79) will be running the Golf Tournament. Details are still be worked out along with final budget information. Once it is solidified the details will be announced. The goal appears to keep the cost below $100 per player which would include 18 holes, a BBQ, and other tournament items.

Motorcycle Run
No additional information is available than what is up on the web site. It was reported that people have been contacting Sampson Wolfe ('77) to participate. It looks like participation will extend all the way from Nebraska!

Class Coordinator & Rep Report
Terri (Tyson) Keswick ('75) discussed the progress, and difficulties, of contacting alumni. Due to reunion companies going out of business, such as "Back to the Future", we are currently having difficulties locating class rosters. We still need the following roster: '69,'71, '72, '78, and '79. If anyone can help us locate those people that might have one please e-mail Terri at the reunion website. We now have a class rep for '76, Naoki Shimazaki, who could use help from his classmates contacting other classmates. Doug Martin, and Kathy Bourne Adams have also stepped forward to help with their class '77, and Scott Hathaway is ready to help with '79. Susan Endelmann ('72) has volunteered to be the class coordinator for '68-'73. We want to thank all of the volunteers for their time. We also want to thank Steve Edmonds ('78) and his company for donating the flyers and envelopes for our mass mailing.

Group Meetings/Brake-out sessions
Each of the groups meet together and disbursed from their individual meetings.

Adjourned until next meeting on March 22, 2003. Location to be determined.

More Help Needed

The committee is still looking for more volunteers to help carry the load of this great activity! Please check-out the available positions or areas of interest and join up. Also, give your classmates a fair shot at attending! Forward contact information by using our on-line Contact Form for Fellow Vikings.

Committees and Class Representatives

      Steering Committee:
Rick Figueroa
Paul Keswick
Trish Kane
Randy Christensen


Chairperson: Rick Figueroa

Committee Members: Lisa Mason, Stephen Edmonds

  Gala Event (Saturday night):
Chairperson: Trish Kane
Committee Members: Greg Andrews, Sue Clark, Sandy Anderson, Debi Burdman

  Family Day (Sunday):
Chairperson: Debi Burdman & Randy Christensen
Committee Members: Valerie Camacho, Sheila Chestnutt

  Golf Tournament (Friday):
Scott Hathaway


Class Coordinators & Representatives:
1968-1973 Class Coordinator: Susan Endelmann ('72)
1974-1979 Class Coordinator: Terry (Tyson) Keswick
Class Representatives:
  1968 - Dennis Erokin
  1969 - Diane (Graham) Yamane
  1970 - Randy Christensen

  1971 - Graig Cropper
  1972 - Open
  1973 - Tracey Jenkins Wood
  1974 - Laura Waters Corner & Ted Gagne
  1975 - Paul and Terri Keswick
  1976 - Naoki Shimazaki
  1977 - Open (with Doug Martin and Kathy Browne Adams willing to help)
  1978 - Steve Edmonds
  1979 - Vickie (Tuttle) Woods and Scott Hathaway


Basket Raffle
Chair: Denise (Camacho) Hickok
Basket Representatives for classes: Holly (Schweickert) Tingey - 1970, Laura Corner - 1974, Valerie Camacho - 1975, Denise Hickok - 1977, Kerrie Ann Camacho - 1978
, Vickie Tuttle Woods & Jon Seavey - 1979.


As you can see, we need to fill in the gaps in Class Reps and Committee members. So please e-mail us if you can help out. We do have other classmates that have recently joined our committees. Their names will be added as soon as possible.

We are excited and encouraged by the very positive response. It has been a joy reuniting the grads of Lynbrook High


Updated February 23, 2003 @ 10:30PM

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