LHS Mega Reunion


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Reunion Planning
Meeting Minutes - June 10th, 2023
This meeting was a Zoom meeting held at 06/10/2023 at 5:00PM PST

Attendance: Rick Figueroa (73), Debbie Luck (77), Melissa Salazar (74), Sue Fitzpatrick (78), Patrick McDowell (78) 

The Meeting was opened by Rick by reviewing the current committee and its members. Rick thanked the committee for their unwavering commitment, hard work, and dedication to see the Mega Reunion come to Fruition in August 2024.

Family Day - Patrick McDowell (78)
Patrick provided an update on his research of a potential Family Day location. Discussions included the results of the current poll located on the LHS Message Boards which closes on July 10th, 2023. Currently, the poll only has 50 votes split upon the possible locations considered. 50 votes is hardly enough to determine a location based on voting. Saratoga Springs has emerged as a possible location based on what it offers and the ability to accommodate a group of our projected size. Research and negotiations are ongoing.

Saturday Night Social - Debbie Luck (77)
Debbie is still in negotiations with SCCC. A tentative date of August 10th, 2024 is slated but not finalized until an actual contract has been signed. Some of the points that are being negotiated are A: a minimum room booking of 50 rooms per night including Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The committee has determined Sunday is not necessary and off the table. B; Other areas being negotiated are internet fees, facility add-ons, etc. Once negotiations are completed SCCC will not allow us to sign a contract until one year out from the event date. Therefore, a contract will not be signed until August 2023 at the earliest.

Friday Activities - Rick (73)
The Committee had a brief discussion on Friday Activities, it was determined all Friday Activities are not LHS Mega Reunion sponsored. All events will be at the sole discretion of those who choose to organize any events. The Mega Reunion will only provide a source of advertising for any events planned. Previous Mega Reunions included a motorcycle ride, golf tournament, and swim competition which is not an option this year. At this time, no Friday Activities have been planned to our knowledge.

Website - Rick (73

The official Mega Reunion 2024 website was launched June 1st, 2023. The website was created with Web expressions 4, a professional web design tool but designed for desktop and Laptop applications. It is not mobile responsive (Mobile Friendly) but can be resized for cell phone or tablet viewing. Keep in mind, you will not be viewing it as it was designed. Cell phones and tablets will stack and do not have the ability to view custom fonts. The website has its flaws but continues to be improved daily.

The message boards have 145 members but have very little activity. We will continue to promote it with hopes activity will increase.

Other Notes

The Committee will not be meeting in July, we will reconvene in August with a lot of new information.

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