LHS Mega Reunion


Since 1965
Grand People Deserve a Grand Gathering
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How it all Began

For many of you who may be considering attending Mega 2024, may wonder how it all started and why. Below is a brief story posted on our Mega Reunion site of 2003. As we move forward with our 3rd Mega Reunion, we hope the past is not forgotten as we continue to add to the many memories the Mega Reunions have bought us.

 An idea is born In the early spring of 2002, there was a group of former high school grads who attended Lynbrook High School located in San Jose Ca. Many of those alumni stayed in touch with each other through a website called Classmates.com, having fun reconnecting with old friends (and making new ones.) As these alumni from Lynbrook High enjoyed reconnecting and reminiscing, new members joined Classmates.com daily. Before long Lynbrook High School had more than 4700 former grads as members. Soon, a former grad named Brian Stuckey class of 1974, joined Classmates. Many of us shared ideas of finding ways to get together and see each other. Why not? We weren’t getting any younger. Then Brian had a wonderful idea of getting as many of his old classmates and friends as possible together all at once. His idea became known as a "mega-reunion". He shared his idea with some of his old friends and classmates he had stayed in touch with. Of course, his idea was accepted overwhelmingly. This idea expanded and before you knew it, the Lynbrook High School Mega Reunion of the ’60s and ’70s was born.

Brian quickly got in touch with as many people as he knew who might be interested in helping to put this awesome event together. He continued to share his vision, he collected ideas from other interested grads. Soon it was  decided that a meeting would be held and a committee would be formed.

The first two Mega Reunions in 2003 and 2013, were dedicated to the 1960s and the 1970s. We choose them to be 10 years apart. Unfortunately, the great pandemic of 2020 occurred which change life as we knew it. The pandemic didn't allow us to keep our 10-year tradition because of economic reasons and social distancing. Therefore, we felt moving the Mega a year further away from the pandemic era would allow us to have greater success

The LHS Mega Reunion has expanded to the 1980's. We are happy to include this unforgettable decade as they bring more timeless memories to Mega Reunion tradition.

I look back at all the hard work and planning. We had our ups and downs, we had our disagreements. We discussed, argued, yelled, and became angry at times, but we also agreed, laughed, shook hands, hugged, and always came together in the finest tradition that only Lynbrook grads could do.

We look forward to seeing you in 2024

 These early pictures were taken in the spring of 2002 at the historic Harry's Hofbrau located on the corner of Saratoga and Steven Creek Blvd in San Jose Ca. We held many meetings at Harrys. They were a reunion in it's self with plenty of good food and oh yea! with plenty to drink :) Unfortunately Harry's Hofbrau was closed down after 42 years in January 2019. But the memories will never be forgotten

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