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Favorite Moments
  Below are some of our alumni's favorite memories of events that stood out during thier years at Lynbrook. Enjoy them as you read and perhaps a special moment of yours might come to mind. If so, please post on Facebook or send it directly to Rick Figueroa

  San Jose Mercury News Article, Celebrating the 2013 Mega Reunion
 Written by Bernie Sheahan -Class of 1974

Barbara McGrath Loftgard
Sitting in the quad and watching people at lunch. Going to and from school with such nice friends. Having a boyfriend. My German Teacher fropping her pen on purpose, so the boyswould pick it up for her. Archery, Tennis, and science experiments. Telling my Political Science what political party he was, because he was so obvious. Senoir cut day in Santa Cruz, Senior prom, and a sweet date. The sun and how exciting it was on graduation day! Class of 73.

Russell Beggs

I remember a fake soviet agent coming to campus and turning into a America the great speech after everyone booed the original propaganda. I think it was Peabody's class.

Don Olsen

In 1968 I participated as a member of the Lynbrook Symphonic Band at the annual California Music Educator’s Competitions. Upon finishing our performance one of the three adjudicators stood up and addressed us with the following statement “Your symphonic band being conducted by Rocco DiStasio an Italian, performing flawlessly La Forza Del Destino composed by Giuseppe Verdi an Italian, and adjudicated by me (I forgot his name) also an Italian, so how could you not be awarded a Superior rating for this outstanding performance?” (the only one awarded that year)! This statement was followed by a standing ovation from the audience comprised of other high school band members and conductors. Also, that following spring the Lynbrook band had a record 33 students (nearly every member of the band) and 11 first chairs in the Santa Clara Valley Honor Band and the maximum number of 6 students allowed by a single high school (otherwise we would have had many more) with 2 first chairs in the California State Honor Band. I will always remember this event and the great pride we all felt thanks to maestro Rocco DiStasio our conductor and mentor! Being a part of the Lynbrook symphonic band was truly an awesome and memorable experience

Matt Hartline

The time our varsity basketball team in 1972 “broke” the scoreboard by scoring 100 points. Final score 100 - 71

Brian Stuckey

The Hootenanny's were amazing to me and wish we had recordings of those shows.

Phil Wison

Sneaking into Lynbrook in the middle of the night with Bob Moore and painting a super large '73 on the Quad floor. After the school sandblasted it away you could still see '73 etched in the floor for a long time after.

Terri Barto Everhart

Painting the parking lot with ‘Our place in the Sun, Class of ‘79’ with Daniel Suess. We worked/painted through the night and couldn’t keep my eyes open during class the next day

Mary Graham Barber

When Mickey Dozens from the Monkeys visited campus and he was nearly mobbed! Staff gave us the " We're so disappointed in all of you" the following day.

Home Favorite Moments Pg2

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