Greetings LHS Alumni
The LHS Reunion Committee held its 3rd meeting of 2003 at Tony Roma’s Restaurant on Saratoga Ave in San Jose. It was a great improvement over Harry’s Hofbrau. Especially for privacy. The food and service was good and the meeting was very productive.
The Attendees
Rick Figueroa 1973, Randy Christensen 1970, Trish Kane 1974, Paul Kewick, 1975 Terry Keswick 1975, Steve Edmonds 1978, Patricia Morrissey 1978, Doug Martin 1977, Greg Andrews 1973, Rob Karr 1968, Tracy Jenkins 1973, Sue Fitzpatrick 1978, Naoki Shimazaki 1976, Susan Endelman 1972, Sue Clark 1975.
Since our last meeting, so many events around the world have occurred, mainly the Iraqi War. The LHS Committee would like to honor and express our appreciation to all of our troops over seas, fighting against terrorism and for freedom. Regardless of any opinion, for or against the war, this generation of young Americans are conducting themselves in the highest tradition of bravery.
There are fellow grads who have sons and daughters that are on the front lines fighting. I personally know of one special grad named Joanne Curran (1974) whose son is in the Marines on the front line. We know how difficult it must be to get through each day hoping that Jimmy is okay. In my book, they are hero’s doing their job with skill, bravery and honor. We are proud of them. Our hearts and prayers go out to their family and friends and hope for a speedy and safe return home.
We understand many of our fellow alumni may have their minds and thoughts elsewhere. But remember that our hero’s would want us all to continue with our routine and daily lives. It is the very thing they are fighting for. Let’s not let them down. Let us move forward, as planned. It is what they would want.
As you know, we are just 5 months away from the big event. This month marks our one year anniversary since we started planning. We have accomplished a lot in the last year and will be rewarded by an awesome reunion. All plans are on target and momentum is building on ticket sales. Trish Kane and her team have the Gala Event plans under control. Rob Karr has joined forces with Dennis and Lori Ekoran for Family Day. Scott Hathaway is putting together a great Golf Tournament for all you golfers.
Len Ball, Sampson Wolfe, along with the Mosley brothers are working on the Lynbrook Reunion Ride, including, a barbeque. This reunion will be like no other you have attended. Imagine, 12 years of the fellow grads being together. Reminiscing, dining, dancing, laughing and just having a great time. A weekend you won’t want to miss. We are looking forward to seeing so many of you for the first t time in 25-35 years.
Tickets, Tickets, Tickets!!
Our Class Coordinators and Reps will be campaigning on getting all of our grads who are attending to purchase their tickets. Ticket sales are moving along well but, we want to get a better idea how many grads to expect. This will help us plan accordingly and to assure that all of us have the best time ever.
Class Coordinators and Reps will be contacting you by email or letter to confirm your reservation and to ask you to get your check in or Pay Pal for your convenience. Remember, you don’t want to miss this.
Other Activities and Support
There are a lot of great ideas that have been presented to the committee .
Unfortunately, we have not received volunteers to assist in the coordination of these ideas. It is our goal to have a reunion that is as memorable as ever with, as many activities as possible but, with out additional support, it will be difficult to do. Won't you join us in planning this historic event? Volunteers may e-mail any other Committee members or me. Come on board, it's a lot of fun. Please click on the link AVAILABLE POSITIONS OF INTEREST.
Next Meeting
Tony Roma’s Restaurant San Jose, Ca April 26th, 2003 @ 1:00PM
Well, fellow classmates don't forget to check back with us often for further updates and news. As we get closer to that big weekend more and more exciting things are happening. I know we are excited along with so many others. Get the word out! And let's make this the best reunion in history.
Rick Figueroa, '73